Pedalo Cork Fascia Roller

artikelnr PD-18280150
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Frakt: 150,00 kr
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479,00 kr
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30 dagars bästa pris 441,00 kr

  • Suitable for regeneration, balance exercises and massage
  • Helps with tension and hardening of the muscles
  • Loosens adhesions of the connective tissue
  • Supports regeneration
  • 100% natural cork from production facilities in Portugal that are ISO 9001 certified
  • max belastning: 150 kg
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Pedalo Cork Fascia Roller: (L) 30 cm x (B) 15 cm x (H) 15 cm

The Pedalo Cork Fascia Roller allows for comfortable and easy self-massage. Regular training with the fascia roller helps to regenerate the muscles and can help to relieve tension in the long term.

Fascia run through our bodies like a vast network and connecting all the structures. They hold the body together and our organs in place. Tense or adhered fascia are often the cause of pain or dysfunction. Regular massage of the fascia relaxes and loosens adhesions

The fascia roller can also be used for balance and core exercises, supporting a holistic approach to fitness. For optimal training results and an increased sense of wellbeing, each workout should be concluded with a massage using the Pedalo fascia roller.

Nachhaltiges Naturprodukt

Cork is a natural product that is sustainable and recyclable. Cork is pleasant to the touch, suitable for all skin types and easy to clean (just wipe with a damp cloth). The cork for this roller comes from selected companies in Portugal that are ISO 9001 certified.

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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Pedalo® by Holz-Hoerz
    Holz-Hoerz GmbH
    Dottinger Str. 71
    72525 Münsingen
  • +49 7381 93570
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