BowFlex BXT8Ji treadmill

artikelnr BF-100999
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tidigare pris
23 151,00 kr
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30 dagars bästa pris 23 151,00 kr

Fitshop's omdöme
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  • Conveniently control your workout using your mobile phone: with the JRNY training app - a 60-day membership to the JRNY app is included
  • Please note that you can only use the console's full range of functions in conjunction with a JRNY subscription; this includes: training programmes and user memories, as well as the use of the entertainment apps, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
  • Robust design and intuitive operation
  • Clear DualTrack LCD display
  • Comfort Tech™ deck cushioning creates comfortable running conditions
  • SoftDrop™ folding system ensures smooth folding of the treadmill
  • Incl. drinks bottle holder
  • max belastning: 136 kg
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - BowFlex BXT8Ji treadmill: (L) 198.1 cm x (B) 95.5 cm x (H) 159.5 cm
    nedfällt/ihopfällt - BowFlex BXT8Ji treadmill: (L) 139.3 cm x (B) 95.5 cm x (H) 169 cm
  • Tekniska specifikationer:
    • löpyta: 152 x 51 cm
    • hastighet: 0 - 19 km/h
    • stigning/lutning: 0 - 15 %
  • Träningsdator:
    • visning: tid, sträcka, hastighet, stigning/lutning, kalorier,
    • visning av träningsprofiler i LCD
    • träningsprogram totalt: 26
  • Utrustning:
    • pulsmätning: handsensorer för pulsmätning, pulsband
    • pulsband för pulsmätning medföljer
    • Övrigt: transporthjul, fläkt, fällbar

Comfortable training and plenty of space

The BXT8Ji treadmill has a crystal-clear DualTrack LCD display and comes with 26 pre-installed workout programmes. The treadmill has a 15 % motorised incline for hill training. A softer landing is enabled by a 51 cm wide and 152 cm long running deck and a ComfortTech cushioning system. You can reach speeds of up to 19 km/h on the treadmill. The treadmill is contact and telemetry-capable for heart rate monitoring. The treadmill also has a Bluetooth function for smart devices and heart rate measurement. Devices can also be connected via the USB charging port and the MP3 input.

BowFlex BXTJi8 - The treadmill for interactive training

With the treadmill you get a free trial membership with JRNY. JRNY is a fitness app that lets you experience the meaning of personal training in a new way. The app offers you personalized training sessions, such as cardio, strength and full-body workouts. You can also achieve your goals with a virtual trainer. However, if you prefer to watch a series or listen to music, JRNY offers you streams such as Netflix and JRNY radio, which you can use during your workout. Travel at your own pace through over 200 exciting virtual routes and explore the world.

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1 person tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Wir sind ein 3-Personenhaushalt und sind mit dem Laufband in dem von uns genutzten Umfang voll zufrieden. Der Aufbau ist mit etwas Verständnis und ohne "Profi"-Ausbildung möglich; man muss sich nur (wie immer bei solchen Elementen) lediglich an die ausreichend unterstützende Aufbauanleitung halten. Das Gerät ist bei uns nicht im Dauereinsatz, hat jedoch bis dato keine Probleme beschert.

Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Johnson Health Tech. GmbH
    Europaallee 51
    50226 Frechen
  • +49 2234 9997100
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