Fluid Rower EU-Row

artikelnr FDF-23FEU314E0
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Fitshop's omdöme
  • Only at Fitshop
  • Whole-body workout with an amazing rowing experience
  • Water tank: Fluid V Twin Tank with 5 resistance levels
  • No electricity required: The rowing machine can be used anywhere at any time.
  • Rounded ends give the dual rails an optically-appealing continuity.
  • Extra-long nylon belt for an even smoother rowing experience
  • Bluetooth Monitor: compatible with many training apps like Fluid Connect or Kinomap
  • Twice-varnished and sanded quality wood
  • Individually adjustable foot plates
  • Practical transport wheels
  • Extremely comfortable, raised seat with ergonomic and slip-resistant padding
  • max belastning: 150 kg
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Fluid Rower EU-Row: (L) 213 cm x (B) 54 cm x (H) 59 cm
    nedfällt/ihopfällt - Fluid Rower EU-Row: (L) 59 cm x (B) 54 cm x (H) 213 cm

Fluid water resistance: Row like you're on the water

The high-quality water tank with patented twin tank technology makes training with a Fluid Rower feel like you're really out in the water. This unique system lets you easily adjust the water resistance at any time by simply turning the dial.

The Fluid Rower's water tank consists of two separate tanks: an inner and an outer tank. The inner tank is the 'passive' or storage tank, whereas the outer 'active' tank provides the resistance. If you tun the dial to increase the resistance while rowing, water from the passive tank is transferred into the active tank. After just a few strokes, you will feel more resistance. When you select a lower resistance level, water is siphoned from the active tank back into the passive tank.

Enjoy quick, smooth changes in resistance while training on the Fluid Rower EU-ROW without having to check the water level ahead of time. The patented Fluid Resistance Twin Tank has been refined and perfected down to the smallest detail. The reliable tank is watertight when the rower is stored upright.

Fluid Bluetooth Monitor: Real-time insight about your rowing stroke

The Fluid Bluetooth Monitor provides immediate feedback on all your training data: time, wattage, calories, distance, and strokes per minute. The monitor also automatically displays the resistance level selected via the dial on your indoor rower. To add more fun and variety to your workout, you can connect to training apps like Fluid Connect, Kinomap, Regatta, EXR, and Tunturi Routes via Bluetooth.

A special highlight of the monitor is the Power Graph. The visualisation lets you assess your rowing stroke while training. This can help you improve your rowing technique. The better your technique, the more you can get out of your workout! The ideal rowing stroke consists of multiple stages which come together in one fluid, repetitive motion. The console of the Fluid Rower EU-ROW helps you find your flow!

Do you want to train at a certain heart rate? Then connect the monitor to a smart chest strap (sold separately) via Bluetooth or let the machine measure your heart rate using the Touch Heart Rate Handle (sold separately).

Ultimate comfort, stability, and balance when rowing

The attention to detail in a Fluid Rower makes the difference. The seat materials have been optimised to ensure you'll have a comfortable workout session when rowing. A lot of research was put into the ergonomic form and slip-resistant surface to guarantee you will always be comfortable in the seat. The seat is also elevated to make it easier to sit down. The sturdy wooden frame is made from a single piece of bent ash wood.

The dual-rail support for the seat also provides added stability. The two rails come together to form a solid unit with their clean craftsmanship and rounded corners. The double-bearing supported wheels under the seat glide smoothly along two synthetic strips on both rails. This prevents wear and tear and keeps sounds from movement along the tracks to a minimum. The rowing machine's design, its feel, and the sound of water flowing through the tank make the Fluid Rower EU-ROW an irresistible unit.

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Fitshop's omdöme

1 person tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Sehr schönes Gerät und auch ein Blickfang im Wohnzimmer. Wenn man gerne nebenbei fernsehen möchte müssen die Wassergeräushe in Kauf genommen werden.
Fijne roeier
4 personer tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Fijn om weer een roeiapparaat te hebben. Het stoeltje gaat bijna geluidloos heen en weer, terwijl het geruis van het water rustgevend werkt. Met vijf belastingsstanden is er genoeg belasting voor ieder niveau. Makkelijk op te klappen en op te bergen, zodat hij niet teveel ruimte inneemt. Voor mij was de verhogingsset echt nodig, omdat ik na een ongeluk moeite heb met door de knieën gaan. Ik heb niet de indruk dat dit de stabiliteit negatief beïnvloedt, dus zeker een aanrader. Kortom, een fijne roeier. Ik ben er erg blij mee.... [läs mer]
Perfekte Beratung, Komfortlieferung und Aufbau
1 person tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Das Gerät wurde innerhalb der vereinbarten Zeit geliefert. Sehr zuvorkommender, technisch versierter und freundlicher Aufbau bei der Komfortlieferung durch die Mitarbeiter. Das alleine macht schon fünf Sterne aus. Das Gerät ist optisch ein Highlight (Walnuß). Ich habe es erst seit gestern und bin begeistert. Leise ist der Schienenlauf und der Water Row vermittelt das Gefühl wirklich im Wasser zu rudern.

Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
    ​Purmerweg 1
    1311 XE Almere
    The Netherlands
  • +31 629 38 3777
  • service.deutschland@tunturi.com
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