Karella E-Dart Machine CB-90

artikelnr KR-807201
i lager
Frakt: 150,00 kr
Leverans per UPS
tidigare pris
1 795,00 kr
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30 dagars bästa pris 1 644,00 kr

  • First-class, electronic dartboard in a closable cabinet
  • Corresponds to competition sizing
  • Double bullseye and red/blue 2-hole segments
  • The volume is adjustable 8 times
  • Elegant and high-quality dart cabinet (cabinet)
  • 38 games and about 210 game variants
  • Up to 16 players can play against each other
  • Checkout display for the classic X01 games, electronic voice announcement and sound effects
  • Suitable for soft darts up to a maximum of 18 g
  • Device dimensions opened (H × W × D): 66 × 100 × 7 cm
  • Device dimensions closed (H × W × D): 66 × 55 × 7 cm
  • The package includes 12 darts, spare tips, power supply and mounting hardware.

Karella E-Dart Machine CB-90: ideal dart cabinet with competition sizing

For those looking for a high-quality dartboard in an elegant, wear-resistant cabinet - the Karella E-Dart Machine CB-90 is the one for you. The electronic Karella dartboard CB-90 has a double bullseye and the red/blue 2-hole segments. Thus it conforms to the official competition sizing. The high-quality cabinet not only looks elegant, but it also protects the wall in the event that one or two darts miss their target. On the inside of the cabinet doors there are practical compartments to store accessories and replacement tips.

Generous game selection

Up to 16 players can play a match with one another. In terms of game variants there are no boundaries because the dart machine Karella CB-90 has 38 games and around 210 game variants. There is also the option to play against the computer at 5 different levels of difficulty.

Multi-functional display

Equipped with the most diverse LED display areas, the Karella E-Dart Machine CB-90 provides all the important information for the game. In the centre there is the central scoreline display for the current player, on the right-hand side are the corresponding LEDs for cricket displays and to the left are 4 LED displays for the total 16 possible players. Thanks to the LED display, the relevant game information is also easy to read, even in poor light conditions.

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4.67 av 5 stjärnor

(3 Kundomdömen)

0 personer tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
La cible semble de bonne qualité (une soirée de jeux pour le moment). Points positifs: - qualité - impacts francs et bonne tenue des fléchettes Points négatifs: - Le son est assez fort même au minimum - Les portes ne sont pas alignées une fois fermées, c'est dommage compte tenu du prix je trouve que la finition ne soit pas exceptionnelle...
0 personer tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
1 Stern Abzug, wegen der Lautstärke beim Auftreffen der Darts
0 personer tyckte att den här recensionen var till hjälp
Sehr gutes Preis/Leistungsverhältnis. Wir können sehr gut unter Turnierbedingungen spielen und die vrschiedenen Spielvariaten sind hervorragend. Die Montage war einfach und prima erklärt. Hervorzuheben ist, dass sehr viel Zubehör dabei ist.

Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • WINSPORT GmbH & Co. KG
    Gewerbepark Auwald
    Waldstr. 21
    86517 Wehringen
  • +49 08234 904930
  • info@winsport.de
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