Marcella E-Dart Machine CB-50

artikelnr KR-807203
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Frakt: 150,00 kr
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tidigare pris
1 349,00 kr
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30 dagars bästa pris 1 236,00 kr

  • High-quality soft dartboard with well thought-out technology
  • The dartboard has a double bullseye
  • 27 games, like 501, cricket, elimination with more than 159 game variants
  • Cyber matches against one of 5 computer competitors are also possible
  • The 2-hole segments in professional red/blue correspond to the exact competition sizes
  • Electronic voice announcement and sound effects
  • 4 easy to read LED displays for score and cricket stands
  • Simple menu navigation
  • Number of players: 1-16 players
  • Incl. integrated dart holder for 12 darts on the edge of the board
  • The volume is adjustable 8 times
  • Suitable for soft darts up to a maximum of 18 g
  • The package includes 12 darts, spare tips, power supply and mounting hardware.
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Marcella E-Dart Machine CB-50: (L) 5 cm x (B) 55 cm x (H) 66 cm

Marcella E-Dart Machine CB-50: the classic among the dart machines

The Karella CB-50 dart machine is shiny with its elegant appearance, matured technology and a large selection of different training games. Equipped with over 27 games with more than 159 game variants, the Karella CB-50 guarantees fun & games within your own four walls. Up to 16 players can take part in a match. Thanks to the "cyber match" function, you can also duel with the computer on five different difficulty levels.

Technical highlights for a diverse game

The Marcella E-Dart Machine CB-50 is characterised by its excellent technology. The current information on the game is clearly displayed on the 4 LED displays. The CB50 performance package is rounded off with the electronic voice announcements and sound effects, as well as the integrated dart holder. Plenty of gaming fun is guaranteed with the Marcella E-Dart Machine CB-50!

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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • WINSPORT GmbH & Co. KG
    Gewerbepark Auwald
    Waldstr. 21
    86517 Wehringen
  • +49 08234 904930
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