ProForm R10 Rowing Machine
artikelnr PF-PFRW98120-INT
Detaljer: ProForm R10 Rowing Machine
- An iFit Pro subscription is required for full use of all functions
- 57 programs can be used without registration, including 6 trainer courses and 12 time crunch, 10 endurance and 10 recovery programs - infinitely expandable with iFit
- Easy to operate 10-inch colour display with iFit compatibility
- Space-saving folding mechanism
- 24 digitally adjustable resistance levels
- Practical transport wheels
- Ergonomically shaped handle and seat
Produktbeskrivning: ProForm R10 Rowing Machine
ProForm R10 Rowing Machine - versatile and authentic rowing training
Experience interactive rowing training in your living room with the intelligent ProForm R10 Rowing Machine. Equipped with a 10-inch colour touchscreen and an iFit membership with full access for the first thirty days. Browse the constantly growing collection of interactive video workouts available, which are coordinated to your individual fitness level and your goals.Banish the boring exercise forever more by navigating the world and following your favourite trainers on exciting workout series.
If you prefer to train in manual training mode, you can change very easily between 24 progressive resistance levels and adapt each training unit to your preferences.
After training, you can fold your rowing machine together vertically thanks to the innovative, space-saving design and comfortably store it.
Garantivillkor: ProForm R10 Rowing Machine
För privatkonsumenter gäller garantin enligt konsumentköplagen
Tillverkningen erbjuder ingen ytterligare tillverkargaranti/garanti.
ProForm R10 Rowing Machine Test & omdöme
5 av 5 stjärnor
(5 Kundomdömen)
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Manufacturer Information
Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.- SAS ICON Health&Fitness France SAS
5, rue Alfred de Vigny
78112 Fourqueux
France - +49 2241 2449502
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