Schildkröt Seat Cushion Fit+

artikelnr DSK-960037
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Frakt: 150,00 kr
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349,00 kr
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30 dagars bästa pris 320,00 kr

  • Wedge and back support cushions
  • Inflatable
  • Enables healthy sitting for the back
  • Included in delivery:
    • One seat cushion
      • Diameter: 34 cm
      • Phalate-free PVC
    • One fabric cover
      • Polyester
    • One mini pump
    • Exercise instructions
  • Max. user weight: 120 kg

The Seat Cushion Fit+ serves as a wedge and back support cushion. When you sit upright on the cushion, your intervertebral discs are kept in motion. The pad reacts sensitively to small movements. It leads to movements that stimulate your deep muscles while sitting. Your back can be supported and relieved. In contrast to the classic, thicker seat cushion, the positive effect on your back muscles is significantly increased with the Seat Cushion Fit+.


The cushion is not only used to stimulate the deep muscles. It can also be used as a back massage cushion. All you have to do is place the cushion upright between your back and the backrest. This also mobilises your spine. You can also use the Seat Cushion Fit+ for back-friendly abdominal training. These exercises can simply be performed with the cushion on the floor. Abdominal muscles are very important for stabilising the spine, which is why they are important for preventing back problems.

You should adjust the sitting time to your training condition. However, if you want to extend the sitting time, you should sit at the very front of the cushion. This prevents the back muscles from being overstrained. The specially shaped nubs on the cushion can also activate the foot reflex zones. A QR code on the packaging takes you to training videos and tips. This way you can get to know other training methods.

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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • MTS Sportartikel Vertriebs GmbH
    Hans-Urmiller-Ring 11
    82515 Wolfratshausen
  • +49 817 143180
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