Taurus Multi Trainer MS5

artikelnr TF-MS5
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Gäller t.o.m. 2025-03-17

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Fitshop's omdöme
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  • Dual cable machine loaded with 50-mm barbell weight plates (accessories sold separately)
  • Cable pulley heights independently adjustable in 21 levels
  • Plate-loaded, max. capacity 160 kg
  • Incl. J-hooks and spotter arms for safe barbell training
  • Incl. core trainer attachment for 50-mm barbells (e.g. for T-bar rows)
  • Multi-grip pull-up/chin-up bars
  • Bolt holes in the feet to secure the rack to the ground
  • Sturdy steel frame
  • Corrossion-resistant powder coating
  • High-quality pulleys for smooth cable movements
  • Vinyl-coated steel cables with a tensile strength of up to 900 kg
  • Comprehensive accessories with multiple handles for additional exercise options, e.g.:
    • triceps rope
    • short bar for rows/curls
    • 4 hooks for attaching resistance bands, e.g. for progressive resistance during barbell exercises
    • 2 standard single-arm handles
  • Accessories can be stored on hooks in the rack's frame
  • Interior width: 115 cm
  • Maximum user weight of the pull-up bars: 250 kg
  • Exercise options on the cable machine (brief selection):
    • Lat pulldowns (high position)
    • Cable rows (low position)
    • Pec flies (cable crossovers)
    • Cable should presses
    • Bicep curls
    • Triceps pressdowns (e.g. with the rope or bar)
    • Face pulls
    • Lateral raises
    • Wood choppers (torso rotations)
  • Possible barbell exercises (brief selection)):
    • Squats (back squats, front squats)
    • Bench press (with the addition of a weight bench)
    • Military press (overhead press)
    • Deadlifts
    • Barbell rows
    • Barbel bicep curls
    • Triceps extensions (French press)
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Taurus Multi Trainer MS5: (L) 153 cm x (B) 134 cm x (H) 222 cm

Compact multi-gym for a varied full-body workout

The Taurus Multi Station MS5 combines a dual cable machine, barbell rack and pull-up station in one well-thought-out design. Ambitious home-fitness enthusiasts will appreciate the space-saving, versatile, functional training options.

With its sturdy barbell spotter arms and J-hooks, multi-grip pull-up bars and two cable pulleys where the height can be set independently, this multi-station home-gym offers a plethora of different exercise options to train your entire body. The strong, powder-coated steel construction is rugged and built to last.

Versatile training options with the cable machine

The cable pulleys can be set to 21 different heights independent of each other and are loaded with conventional 50-mm barbell weight plates up to 160 kg. The cables can be used for classic exercises like lat pulldowns, rows, flies or shoulder presses as well as functional movements like face pulls or trunk rotations a.k.a. wood choppers.

The high-quality pulleys and vinyl-coated steel cables with a tensile strength of 900 kg ensure your cable training will be smooth and provide continuous resistance. The handles, short bar and triceps rope expand the exercise possibilities.

Barbell training with safety and comfort

Aside from the cable machine, the Taurus MS5 is also equipped for barbell training. The J-hooks and spotter bars offer a level of safety when performing squats, bench presses, overhead presses or deadlifts. The four integrated resistance band hooks can also assist with providing progressive resistance.

The landmine attachment gives you the option of trying a number of core exercises like T-bar rows, landmine presses and rotation exercises with a 50-mm barbell. The pull-up/chin-up bars offer a number of grip positions to target different muscle groups.
Taurus Multi Trainer MS5 UtmärkelserTaurus Multi Trainer MS5 UtmärkelserTaurus Multi Trainer MS5 Utmärkelser

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Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Fitshop GmbH
    Flensburger Straße 55
    24837 Schleswig
  • +49 04621 42100
  • info@fitshop.de
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