Tunturi Indoor Bike Platinum SB20

artikelnr TUN-22PTSB2000
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16 495,00 kr
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30 dagars bästa pris 14 995,00 kr

  • Tunturi Indoor Bike Platinum SB20 for beginners and ambitious home athletes
  • 26 programmes and 32 resistance levels for a varied workout
  • Hight-adjustable multi-grip handlebars with non-slip coating for a firm grip
  • Universal saddle system allows saddle change at any time
  • Tiltable 5.5" LCD screen for easy viewing from any position
  • Compatible with
    • your favourite training app
    • any video route app, such as Tunturi Routes or Kinomaps
    • a Bluetooth chest strap or an analogue chest strap (5.0 - 5.4 KHz)
  • max belastning: 180 kg
  • dimensioner i uppställt läge - Tunturi Indoor Bike Platinum SB20: (L) 155 cm x (B) 60 cm x (H) 140 cm
  • Tekniska specifikationer:
    • effekt: 15 - 350 W
    • svängmassa: 16 kg
  • Träningsdator:
    • visning: tid, hastighet, Watt, RPM, kalorier, puls
    • visning av träningsprofiler i LCD
    • träningsprogram totalt: 26, varav egna (användardefinierade): 4,
    • motståndsnivåer: 36
  • Utrustning:
    • ställbar sadel: vågrät, lodrät
    • bytbar sadel
    • ställbart styre: lodrät, vågrät,
    • kombi-pedaler
    • Övrigt: transporthjul, flaskhållare

Tunturi Indoor Bike Platinum SB20 - for beginners as well as demanding home athletes

The Tunturi Indoor Bike Platinum SB20 is ideal for beginners and demanding home athletes. A total of 32 resistance levels and 26 programmes ensure a varied workout.
The resistance adjusts automatically or can be set manually using the rotary knob.

The right position for every riding style

The multi-grip handlebars and saddle are easily adjustable both in height and horizontally. This allows you to adopt an ergonomic riding position and change your riding style at any time. The saddle of the Tunturi Indoor Bike Platinum SB20 is a racing saddle, but it can be replaced at any time. Thanks to the universal saddle system, almost any saddle will fit on this bike. The Tunturi Indoor Bike Platinum SB20 is not supplied with just any pedals, but with dual pedals. On one side, you can simply slide into the pedals and secure them with straps. These give your feet the right grip. On the other side is the SPD system. The SPD system is a "clip-in" system like on a road bike and improves stability and power transfer.

Stay on top of things with the 5.5" LCD display

The 5.5" screen can be easily tilted to your preferred position so that you always have a good view of your readings. The display shows resistance, watts, speed, heart rate, time and calories burned. And if you want to watch a film at your leisure, you can place your tablet or smartphone in the tablet holder.

Video routes for even more variety

Do you want to see more than just your own four walls during training? Then you can connect any video route app to the Tunturi Indoor Bike Platinum SB20, for example Tunturi Routes or Kinomaps. With these apps, you can choose different routes (free and paid) and visually leave your four walls during your workout. In combination with Zwift, the route adapts to your speed and makes everything look even more realistic.
Haven't found the right programme yet? Then connect the iConsol+ app to the monitor. The AI will develop the right programme for you based on your training results.

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Sehr Gutes Indoor Bike
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Ich bin absolut zufrieden mit dem Tunturi Platinum SB20, kann es nur empfehlen!!
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Robusní konstrukce, plynulý chod, interakce s aplikací Tunturi Routes - v pořádku. Za mě skvělý poměr cena/výkon.

Manufacturer Information

Tillverkningsinformationen inkluderar adressen och relaterad information till tillverkaren av produkten.
  • Tunturi New Fitness B.V.
    ​Purmerweg 1
    1311 XE Almere
    The Netherlands
  • +31 629 383777
  • service.deutschland@tunturi.com
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